Reach out for Support

Contact Details

Executive Principal: Mrs P. Hegarty

Excelsior AcademyDenton Road, Newcastle, NE15 6AF

Tel: (0191) 2288 400

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Queries from parents and other members of the public will be managed by our Reception Team: Reception is open from 8:00am to 4:15pm Monday to Friday.

Tel:0191 2288400

Special Educational Needs (SEN) co-ordinator (SENCO): Szilvia Winn

Tel:0191 22 88 400

Safeguarding Lead: Kirsty Hunt

Tel:0191 22 88 400

Operations Manager: Susan Wright

Tel:0191 2288400

Facilities Manager: Stephen Lackenby

Tel:0191 22 88 400

Academy Trust head office

Tel:0191 662 2400

Who to contact to request a paper copy of the information on the website: our Central Office

Tel:0191 662 2400